Cracker Jack holder

Hello and welcome.

There’s a little story behind today’s post. Our next-door neighbors babysit their now 3 years old grandson and they happily share him with us. At first, he wasn’t too sure about me, but I fixed that by giving him treats in a small treat box I’d make. This little guy is obsessed with garbage trucks, so I decided to really personalize this for him. Images are computer clip art. Sentiment, “Easily distracted by garbage trucks” was found online. Panel with images was cut with an antique paper cutter. A box of Cracker Jacks fits just right in the box.

Thanks for stopping by your visits mean a lot to me. Have a great day and stay healthy & safe.

17 thoughts on “Cracker Jack holder

  1. LOL and her I was waiting for some snark!! What an adorable idea! My grandson now 12 still loves playing with the garbage truck he bought on a visit with us many years ago.,,,,,,actually all the grandkids love playing with it! Love cracker jacks, too, except for the peanuts!

  2. So cute! My grandparents moved to a new Senior Center when my younger sister was 3 years old. My sister played on the sidewalk and the neighbor came out and talked and enjoyed her playing. So when the neighbor went west for the winter, he brought back an Indian doll for her. It is so enjoyable when one grandparent can share the grandchildren with the neighbors, bring smiles to everyone’s faces.

  3. What a sweet gesture. How delightful that your neighbors share their grandson. A child can never have too many grandparents.

  4. What a delight this post is. Great idea for a little one and I’m sure you won his heart forever.

    1. Thanks Johanna. Since he now calls me his ‘buddy Gewwy” I think I did win his hear…and his hugs.

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